
Showing posts from August, 2020

Impact of current pandemic on human psychology and its relation to Zoochosis.

We, Homo sapien sapien are the most advanced form of living entities present on earth so far. What makes us so unique and stand out from the rest? The power of memory and imagination that no other living organism possess. We are always after and in search of truth. The truth of the universe, the truth of our existence and truth about everything we observe around us. But what happened to us, when we were bound to stay in the houses, for our protection from a tiny thing that we can’t even see with our naked eyes? For months?   We started to suffocate inside the concrete walls, it didn’t seem warm or comforting anymore. We started to go insane, depressed, to such extend we needed helpline numbers to cope with it. According to the recent review on psychological impact of quarantine, conducted by Brooks et al. (2020), being forced to stay at home leads to negative psychological effects such as fear, frustration and anger. The increasing cases of suicides and mental illness is evident.